MANILA, Philippines — Commercial establishments in Boracay will have to make do with whatever the government provides to do business on the island, President Duterte said yesterday in declaring the top tourist destination a land reform area. “Let me announce that I am declaring land reform in the entire island of Boracay… The entire island will be declared as a land reform area. I will give it full… give it to the people,” Duterte said in a speech at the Bureau of Customs in Manila. Duterte said he does not want to see any developer lay the groundwork for subdivisions in Boracay. He said any existing commercial and business establishments in the island are at risk. The President tossed the responsibility to Congress whether it will create a law that designates a portion of world famous island resort for commercial development. Duterte ordered the holiday destination off-limits to tourists in April, saying the tiny island has to be rehabilitated after becoming a “cesspool” tainted by untreated sewage dumped directly into the sea. Duterte warned developers not to build subdivisions or commercial buildings on the island. He said the island of Boracay is still considered as a forestland and agricultural area. “So if you are building a house there somewhere, I am sorry, we will just have to make some adjustments,” Duterte said. He said declaring the island resort as a commercial land area would create more problems. “I have no commitments… you go to Congress if you want to declare commercial because once I declare (Boracay as) commercial area …it will start a ruckus there,” Duterte said. “I do not want to meddle. But Congress, may I suggest to them, most respectfully, you can cut, but the rest of the island, I will be declaring it as land reform (area). So there will be no subdivisions there. None,” he added. Duterte maintained he wants the indigenous peoples to reap and enjoy the benefits of living in the area. “I will give it to the natives. After that, we can talk. In the meantime, that is my policy, I am trying to enunciate,” he said. When he mulled on closing Boracay early this year, Duterte invoked public safety, public interest and public health. He also urged the courts “not to interfere by issuing a temporary restraining order” on the six-month closure. Duterte had also created a special inter-agency task force to implement rehabilitation efforts in area.Philstar